Could you host DjangoCon Europe 2026? Call for organizers

We are looking for the next group of organizers to own and lead the 2026 DjangoCon Europe conference. Could your town – or your football stadium, circus tent, private island or city hall – host this wonderful community event?

DjangoCon Europe is a major pillar of the Django community, as people from across the world meet and share. This includes many qualities that make it a unique event – unconventional and conventional venues, creative happenings, a feast of talks and a dedication to inclusion and diversity.

Hosting a DjangoCon is an ambitious undertaking. It’s hard work, but each year it has been successfully run by a team of community volunteers, not all of whom have had previous experience – more important is enthusiasm, organizational skills, the ability to plan and manage budgets, time and people – and plenty of time to invest in the project.

For 2026, we want to kickstart the organization much earlier than in previous years to allow more flexibility for the organizing team, and open up more opportunities for support from our DjangoCon Europe support working group.

Step 1: Submit your expression of interest

If you’re considering organizing DjangoCon Europe (🙌 great!), fill in our DjangoCon Europe 2026 expression of interest form with your contact details. No need to fill in all the information at this stage if you don’t have it all already, we’ll reach out and help you figure it out.

Express your interest in organizing

Step 2: We’re here to help!

We’ve set up a DjangoCon Europe support working group of previous organizers that you can reach out to with questions about organizing and running a DjangoCon Europe.

The group will be in touch with everyone submitting the expression of interest form, or you can reach out to them directly: [email protected]

We’d love to hear from you as soon as possible, so your proposal can be finalized and sent to the DSF board by October 6th 2024. The selected hosts will be publicly announced at DjangoCon Europe 2025 by the current organizers.

Step 3: Submitting the proposal

The more detailed and complete your final proposal is, the better. Basic details include:

Organizing committee members: You won’t have a full team yet, probably, naming just some core team members is enough.
The legal entity that is intended to run the conference: Even if the entity does not exist yet, please share how you are planning to set it up.
Dates: See “What dates are possible in 2026?” below. We must avoid conflicts with major holidays, EuroPython, DjangoCon US, and PyCon US.
Venue(s), including size, number of possible attendees, pictures, accessibility concerns, catering, etc.
Transport links and accommodation: Can your venue be reached by international travelers?
Budgets and ticket prices: Talk to the DjangoCon Europe Support group to get help with this, including information on past event budgets.

We also like to see:

Plans for online participation, and other ways to make the event more inclusive and reduce its environmental footprint
Draft agreements with providers
Alternatives you have considered

Have a look at our proposed DjangoCon Europe 2026 Licensing Agreement for the fine print on contractual requirements and involvement of the Django Software Foundation.

Submit your completed proposal by October 6th 2024 via our DjangoCon Europe 2026 expression of interest form, this time filling in as many fields as possible. We look forward to reviewing great proposals that continue the excellence the whole community associates with DjangoCon Europe.


Can I organize a conference alone?

We strongly recommend that a team of people submit an application.

I/we don’t have a legal entity yet, is that a problem?

Depending on your jurisdiction, this is usually not a problem. But please share your plans about the entity you will use or form in your application.

Do I/we need experience with organizing conferences?

The support group is here to help you succeed. From experience, we know that many core groups of 2-3 people have been able to run a DjangoCon with guidance from previous organizers and help from volunteers.

What is required in order to announce an event?

Ultimately, a contract with the venue confirming the dates is crucial, since announcing a conference makes people book calendars, holidays, buy transportation and accommodation etc. This, however, would only be relevant after the DSF board has concluded the application process. Naturally, the application itself cannot contain any guarantees, but it’s good to check concrete dates with your venues to ensure they are actually open and currently available, before suggesting these dates in the application.

Do we have to do everything ourselves?

No. You will definitely be offered lots of help by the community. Typically, conference organizers will divide responsibilities into different teams, making it possible for more volunteers to join. Local organizers are free to choose which areas they want to invite the community to help out with, and a call will go out through a blog post announcement on and social media.

What kind of support can we expect from the Django Software Foundation?

The DSF regularly provides grant funding to DjangoCon organizers, to the extent of $6,000 in recent editions. We also offer support via specific working groups:

The dedicated DjangoCon Europe support working group.
The social media working group can help you promote the event.
The Code of Conduct working group works with all event organizers.

In addition, a lot of Individual Members of the DSF regularly volunteer at community events. If your team aren’t Individual Members, we can reach out to them on your behalf to find volunteers.

What dates are possible in 2026?

For 2026, DjangoCon Europe should happen between January 5th and April 27th, or June 4th and June 28th. This is to avoid the following community events’ provisional dates:

PyCon US 2026: May 2026
EuroPython 2026: July 2026
DjangoCon US 2026: September – October 2026
DjangoCon Africa 2026: August – September 2026

We also want to avoid the following holidays:

New Year’s Day: Wednesday 1st January 2026
Chinese New Year: Tuesday 17th February 2026
Eid Al-Fitr: Friday 20th March 2026
Passover: Wednesday 1st – Thursday 9th April 2026
Easter: Sunday 5th April 2026
Eid Al-Adha: Tuesday 26th – Friday 29th May 2026
Rosh Hashanah: Friday 11th – Sunday 13th September 2026
Yom Kippur: Sunday 20th – Monday 21st September 2026

What cities or countries are possible?

Any city in Europe. This can be a city or country where DjangoCon Europe has happened in the past (Vigo, Edinburgh, Porto, Copenhagen, Heidelberg, Florence, Budapest, Cardiff, Toulon, Warsaw, Zurich, Amsterdam, Berlin), or a new locale.


Past calls

Interested in organizing DjangoCon Europe 2016?
Could you host DjangoCon Europe 2017?
DjangoCon Europe 2019 – where will it be?
Could you host DjangoCon Europe 2023?
Last Chance for a DjangoCon Europe 2023