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Category: news
Grüne Mittelmeer-Diät: Statt Entengrütze – diese Lebensmittel sind echte Schlank-Booster
Entengrütze gilt als echtes Wundermittel für alle, die abnehmen möchten. Ihr möchtet auch gerne ein paar Pfunde loswerden, habt jedoch keine Lust auf Wasserlinsen? Kein Problem. Wir verraten euch, welche Lebensmittel ähnlich gut wirken und den Gewichtsverlust zum puren Genuss machen.
Bogus advert for govt farming job spreads in Indonesia
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Frühling ohne Kraft: Es wird kühler und vor allem kommt der Regen
Sudan army ends two-year siege of key city
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Sudan army ends two-year siege of key city
The Sudan army captures el-Obeid hours after rival RSF forces signed a charter for a breakaway government.
Call for Proposals for DjangoCon Africa 2025 is now open!
The call for proposals for DjangoCon Africa 2025 is officially open! 💃🏻 Come be a part of this headline event by submitting a talk.
Submit a proposal for DjangoCon Africa 2025
Why speak at DjangoCon Africa
Simply put, it’s an excellent opportunity to put your ideas out there, share knowledge with fellow Djangonauts, and give back to our community. You get to reach both a passitonate local audience, and the global Django community once your talk is published online.
If you’re interested in our Opportunity Grants, being an approved speaker or tutorial presenter also puts you first in line to receive that.
What to cover
We’re looking for proposals from first-time speakers as well as veterans. We want talks (20 – 45 min), workshops and tutorials, (60 – 90 min), and also lightning talks (5 min). As far as topics, here are suggested ones:
- Django internals and challenges in modern web development.
- Wild ideas, clever hacks, surprising or cool use cases.
- Improving Django and Python developers’ lives.
- Pushing Django to its limits.
- The Django and Python community, culture, history, past, present & future, the why, the who and the what of it all.
- Security
- Emerging technologies and industries – AI, Blockchain, Open Source etc.
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Whatever you deem appropriate – it’s your conference after all
In addition to Django, this year’s edition will feature a new Pan-African open source event running alongside DjangoCon Africa – UbuCon at DjangoCon Africa!
We invite proposals on any of these topics, and more: Desktop, Cloud and Infrastructure, Linux Containers and Container Orchestration, DevOps, Virtualisation, Automation, Networking Windows Subsystem for Linux(WSL), IoT, Embedded, Robotics, Appliances, Packaging, Documentation, QA and Bug triage, Security, Compliance and Kernel, Data and AI, Video, Audio and Image editing, Open source tools, Community, Diversity, Local Outreach and Social Context.
I’m in! What do I do?
Great! 🤘 Go submit your proposal. You have until the end of March to do that but no need to wait – submit now and you can always edit the proposal later.
And if you’d like to increase your changes, make sure to review our Speaking at DjangoCon Africa 2025 documentation, and the Speakers resources.
Submit a proposal for DjangoCon Africa 2025
Not convinved yet? Check out our Connections that count: Reflecting on DjangoCon Africa 2023 in Zanzibar to hear from our 2023 participants on what the conference meant for them.
SAG-Awards endeten für Andrew Scott im Krankenwagen – Diagnose Nierenstein!
Er riss sich „Backstage den Smoking in Qualen vom Leib”!
In Los Angeles wurden jetzt wieder die Screen Actors Guild Awards verliehen. Dieses Mal zum Glück ohne schmerzhaften Notfall für Andrew Scott (48). Vor fünf Jahren endete die Preisverleihung für den irischen Schauspieler nämlich tatsächlich im Krankenwagen.
Ski-Ikone Maria Höfl-Riesch muss um Ex-Schwiegerpapa Herbert Höfl trauern
Traurige Nachrichten aus dem Hause Höfl!
Wie die Familie am vergangenen Sonntag bekannt gab, ist Herbert Höfl nach kurzer, schwerer Krankheit gestorben. Ex-Skistar Maria Höfl-Riesch (40) trauert um ihren einstigen Schwiegervater.
Bundestagswahl 2025: Das werden die Knackpunkte bei Koalitionsverhandlungen
Unions-Kanzlerkandidat Friedrich Merz muss jetzt eine Koalition bilden. Vieles deutet auf ein Bündnis mit der SPD hin. Doch dass man sich einigt, ist noch lange nicht ausgemacht.