Kurz ist der Vater unaufmerksam, plötzlich schwebt sein kleiner Junge in Gefahr!
Ein Vater sitzt mit seinem Sohn auf einer Rolltreppe. Plötzlich scheint der Junge an der Treppe hängenzubleiben – für ihn geht es unfreiwillig in gefährliche Höhe. Papa bemerkt das aber erst nicht, weil er telefoniert. Die spektakuläre Rettungsaktion eines Passanten, könnt ihr im Video sehen! (tgö)
Category: news
Hunter Biden will change plea in tax case, lawyers tell judge – CNBC
The Dutch government is ‘future-proofing’ its military in an increasingly volatile world
Post Content
Watch: Donald Trump delivers remarks at the Economic Club of New York – CNBC
Watch: Donald Trump delivers remarks at the Economic Club of New York CNBCElection 2024 live updates: Trump delivering economic speech; Harris heading to Pittsburgh for debate prep The Washington PostTrump vows to cut business tax rate to 15%, create government efficiency commission led by Elon Musk Fox NewsDonald Trump Is Promising To Give Voters Free Stuff HuffPost
Muted mics, no pre-written notes: What to know about the Harris-Trump debate rules – USA TODAY
Muted mics, no pre-written notes: What to know about the Harris-Trump debate rules USA TODAYOpinion | The presidential debate’s real mic problem The Washington PostOpinion | Kamala Harris’s Debate Conundrum The New York TimesHarris campaign agrees to ABC presidential debate rules with some ‘assurances:’ report Fox News
Armed man shot dead in Munich near Israeli consulate
German police say they opened fire on an 18-year-old Austrian man near the Nazi documentation centre in Munich.
Does Tim Walz’s Family Back Trump? Viral Pro-Trump Photo Features Distant Relatives, Mother Says. – Forbes
Does Tim Walz’s Family Back Trump? Viral Pro-Trump Photo Features Distant Relatives, Mother Says. ForbesExclusive | Tim Walz’s older brother is ‘100% opposed to all his ideology,’ believes VP hopeful is not ‘type of character’ who should make decisions about US’ future New York Post Exclusive: Jeff Walz clarifies comments, tells NewsNation he opposes Tim Walz’s views NewsNation NowTim Walz’s brother is ‘100% opposed’ to Democrat VP nominee’s politics: ‘Don’t agree’ Fox News
Rapperin in Tracht! Sabrina Setlur hat ein „Dirndl-Trauma”
Traditionellerweise wird das Festbier auf dem Frankfurter Oktoberfest mit einem Promi-Event vorgestellt. Dabei spricht Star-Rapperin Sabrina Setlur über ihr „Dirndl-Trauma“ und wie sie es überwinden will.
Komm an meine Brust! Kelly stillt ihre Baby-Puppen
Putin says he backs Harris over Trump, adds he’s ready for talks with Ukraine – Fox News
Putin says he backs Harris over Trump, adds he’s ready for talks with Ukraine Fox NewsWatch: Putin discusses his ‘favourite’ US president BBC.comPutin says he wants Harris to win 2024 election AxiosDonald Trump jabs back after Vladimir Putin jokingly backs Kamala Harris USA TODAYRussia dismisses charges of election meddling; Putin claims he backs Harris The Washington Post