‘So abhorrent’: Federal judge rules against UCLA in lawsuit over ‘Jew Exclusion Zone’ Fox NewsUCLA criticizes ruling that pro-Palestinian protesters can’t exclude Jews from campus The Times of IsraelU.C.L.A. Can’t Let Protesters Block Jewish Students From Campus, Judge Says The New York TimesUCLA Appeals Yesterday’s Preliminary Injunction That Ordered It to Avoid Repetition of Exclusion of Jewish or Pro-Israel Students from Parts of Campus Reason
Greenland court orders anti-whaling activist Paul Watson must remain in custody until Sept. 5
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Hidden Champions: Diese deutschen Unternehmen sind Weltmarktführer
Glas halbleer oder doch halbvoll?
Allen Unkenrufen und der schlechten Stimmung um die hiesige Wirtschaftslage zum Trotz: Deutschland ist weiterhin in vielen Bereichen Spitze. In den Segmenten Maschinenbau, Elektrotechnik und Medizin sind viele deutsche Unternehmen die Nummer eins auf dem Weltmarkt. Und ein Glashersteller aus Bayern ist sogar seit sieben Jahren führend auf seinem Gebiet.
Arrest made over Matthew Perry’s death – US media
Friends actor was found in LA home last year with high levels of ketamine in his system
LNG terminal operator sues European Commission over aid to rival
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Streit zwischen Mitbewohnern endet tödlich
Kamala Harris Just Took Lead Over Trump in 5th Swing State: Polling Average – Newsweek
Kamala Harris Just Took Lead Over Trump in 5th Swing State: Polling Average NewsweekAugust 2024 National Poll: Harris 50%, Trump 46% Emerson PollingNew poll shows Kamala Harris beating Trump by 4 points nationwide The HillKamala Harris’ Chances of Winning a Landslide, According to Polls Newsweek1. The presidential matchup: Harris, Trump, Kennedy Pew Research Center
Ksenia Karelina: US-Russian woman jailed for 12 years for $51 charity gift – BBC.com
Ksenia Karelina: US-Russian woman jailed for 12 years for $51 charity gift BBC.comAmerican ballerina with Maryland ties gets 12-year Russian prison sentence for treason CBS NewsRussia Sentences U.S. Citizen to 12 Years in Prison on Treason Charges The New York TimesRussian court gives 12-year treason sentence to Russian-American over $50 charity donation CNN